Saturday, November 3, 2012

War Casualties

One of the interesting factoids I heard on a conservative talk show was that US troop deaths had tripled under Obama and that this was being suppressed by the "liberal media".  It was such an interesting statistic, that I decided to check it.  Here's a chart of US fatalities:

It turns out that 2008 onwards overall fatalities have dropped dramatically.  During 2005-2008, fatalities averaged 839 per year, whereas in 2009-2012 its averaged 445, i.e. roughly half.  

However, what is also true is that Obama's surge in Afghanistan has tripled the deaths in Afghanistan.  During 2005-2008, fatalities in Afghanistan averaged ~117 per year, whereas in 2009-2012 its averaged 379, i.e. more than triple.

I suppose the reason why this isn't an issue is that both candidates essentially agree to a 2014 exit from Afghanistan and so neither party has a substantively different strategy.

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