Friday, November 30, 2012

Some random stuff on economy etc ...

I have been meaning to post some interesting analysis of the elections etc.  Meanwhile, let me post some links that make interesting reading:

  • As Dylan Matthews has posted here and analyzed by Brad DeLong, the potential of the US GDP has been declining, at least in the CBOs view.  There are some fundamental issues affecting the US besides the budget.

  • Finally, Stuart Stevens, Romney's chief strategist, has written a very interesting piece on Romney's loss.  He accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the loss.  His most interesting comment is that Romney won every economic group except those who earned less than $50,000 income.  This is factually correct as you can see here.  Except, that's roughly 41% of the voters and Romney lost the group by 22 points.  In fact, he's lucky.  The US median income is ~$50K.  So, what he just said is that Romney lost badly among a group that constitutes half the population.  Hmmm ... just a math question here, how was he planning to win the election while losing among such a large chunk of the population by 22 points?

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