Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama's gun control proposals

Here is a wonderful summary of Obama's gun control proposals and who needs to act on it.  A bunch of these are relatively non controversial executive actions that Obama has proposed to take immediately - here's the list of executive actions.  The Washington Post also has an excellent piece on the likelihood that  the proposals that require Congressional action will pass.

Here's what took me by surprise.  Obama can, by executive order, limit import of certain types of weapons. It is interesting that the idea of restricting imports was not something he has opted for.  It seems he is banking on Congress for the more controversial stuff.  On the one hand, it is true that Congressional action would be a lot more effective, on the other, it means that there is a lot more he could have done but is not doing.  It  suggests that he is being cautious about not using his executive authority in a way that overly muddies the debate.

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