Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is the current Hyperbole and vitriol unique?

We are still in the midst of a shut down.  So, I'd like to take a moment to discuss some of the hyperbole coming out of the Right. Obamacare has been compared to the holocaust, end of days, etc. and in an interesting move, Ben Carson said that its the worst thing since slavery.

It seems surprising to say the least that this should be the reaction to a law that was passed by both Houses and signed into law by the President, upheld by the Supreme Court and which was the subject of a Presidential election, which the President and his party won - winning more than 50% of the Presidential vote, and more votes in both the Senate and the House.

The pundits have a lot of explanations, including personal animus to the President.  The fact though is that every social program in the US has met with similar animus.  Don't believe me?  Here is Bernie Sanders explaining it better than I could:

The staggering disregard for the country and the breathtaking political ineptitude of Ted Cruz and others is something new.  However, lest we forget, Clinton faced a barrage of continuous attacks and every major social legislation has been met with vitriolic hostility from the right.  So, we should have seen this coming.

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